
Attorney Referrals

Since 1986, we’ve represented thousands of individuals, and we have also assisted many attorneys by taking their client’s cases to Federal Court.

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If this is your first time providing a referral to the Olinsky Law Group, please click 'New' below for our contact information. If you have an existing partnership with the Olinsky Law Group, please click 'Existing' below where you will be prompted to log in and provide information on your referral.

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If you are an attorney, an EDPNA, or an Accredited Disability Representative, and your client’s case needs to be appealed at the Appeals Council, or Federal Court level, our team of experienced attorneys are here to assist you.

Many attorneys, EDPNA’s, and Accredited Disability Representatives, send their hearing losses to us when it’s time to appeal to the Appeals Council. We have written over 15,000 Appeals Council briefs, and we should be writing for your clients as well. We know the issues which the Appeals Council are remanding on – and if there is a denial, the case is automatically screened for Federal Court. We will represent your client in Federal Court wherever you are located.
Do you have the time to draft quality Appeals Council briefs? How many have you done? You should be using our extensive expertise to do them for you.

In a successful remand, we will apply to Federal Court request an EAJA (Equal Access to Justice Act) fee.
406a fees awarded at the agency level are all yours.

Your client pays no attorney fees, and you keep claim along with the 406a fees and 406b fees if any are available

“Consider us your back office”

As a national leader in Federal Court appeals, Olinsky Law Group is here to save you time and money. Have Olinsky Law Group’s team of knowledgeable and experienced Federal Court attorneys write the lengthy briefs for your client.

“…Olinsky Law Group is here to serve as your back office – we will take your client’s case to Federal District Court anywhere in the country.

Attorneys and disability advocates send their hearing and/or Appeals Council denials to us when it is time to appeal their client’s case. We will team with you as co-counsel to file the appeal, and write the brief for the Appeals Council. If the Appeals Council denies, we screen your client’s case for Federal Court automatically.

Olinsky Law Group is one of the largest filers of Social Security Disability appeals in the Federal Courts. We have a whole team of experienced Federal Court attorneys in-house, to take your client’s case to Federal Court. Next time your client needs to appeal either to the Appeals Council or to Federal Court, consider collaborating with Olinsky Law Group. For more information/to learn more, click on the button below.

A typical Federal Court case takes an experienced attorney approximately 20+ hours to write the brief and reply; even more time to write an objection if necessary. With paralegals assisting, your office will commit 30-40 hours on the case. Do you have 30-40 hours to devote to a Federal Court appeal? You probably don’t, but we do.

Appeals Council Referrals

Did Your Client Lose At Hearing?

A referring attorney or non-attorney representative does not surrender representation of their client. You continue to represent your client before the Social Security Administration. At the Appeals Council, we join you as co-counsel, and SSA continues to send you all documents associated with your client’s case.

When We Receive a Remand, We Send the Case Back to You!

At the Appeals Council level, you know the results of your client’s appeal before we do. If it is a remand, you continue your representation for the remand hearing. If it is a denial, we automatically review the case for Federal Court. Matters: Qualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits

Federal Court Referrals

Upon the conclusion of the Federal Court case, we send the client back to you to complete the remand proceedings.
In a successful Federal Court remand, we will apply to the Court for an EAJA (Equal Access to Justice Act) fee, which is paid by the government, and is not taken from your client’s back benefits.

When you win the remand hearing, all 406a fees belong to you.
The next time your client needs to appeal to the Appeals Council or to Federal Court, consider collaborating with Olinsky Law Group.


Long-Term Disability Referrals

We handle Long-Term Disability cases from insurance company internal denials, all the way to Federal Court. If you are an attorney who has a case that has exhausted administrative remedies, but does not want to take the case to Federal Court, under ERISA, we will be happy to evaluate the case for you.


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Wherever you are, Olinsky Law Group has filed a case

When you send our firm a referral, you are going with a proven winner.

Since 1986, we have filed more than 2,500 appeal cases with the majority of those cases being referred from attorneys and non-attorney representative like you.

The next time your client needs to appeal to the Federal Court, consider partnering with Olinsky Law Group. Start by filling out the contact form below and we will be in touch shortly.